
Welcome to the Finnish Language School Association USA

The school is a small not-for-profit educational association with corporation located in Virginia, USA. The school offers on-line Zoom classes for adults and young adults from beginner through advanced levels, subject to teacher availability and class-size limitations associated with Zoom.

Classes meet on once per week on Saturday or Sunday for all skill levels. Classes are in session for two hours.  Class time are mostly morning but may be in afternoon depending upon teacher availability.

  • With the modest size of the school and the very modest tuition charge, scholarships are not offered.

  • Classes are small, normally between 6 to 12 students based upon teacher ability to manage interaction within Zoom environment.  This enables the teachers to provide a lot of individual attention. There is also considerable room for flexibility among the classes. We make every effort to accommodate students at different levels so that everyone be given the best opportunity to learn at his or her own pace.

  • The major emphasis of FLSA is practical Finnish. "Practical" means, in this case, verbal communication. We also address simple reading and writing to get along on a trip and to read and write letters to family and friends. More skilled and sophisticated use and understanding of the language is available after the practical has been mastered. Grammar is incorporated throughout, to assist in learning to use and understand Finnish.

  • Teachers of individual classes will indicate which learning materials are recommended. As part of the ordinary class instruction, the teachers will have recommendations for various supplementary website or reference books available from on-line sources such as Amazon.com.